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We Are What We Teach

by Education Blog

Posted on October 31, 2017

I was told the story once about the first year teacher that entered the teachers lounge each day at lunch and noticed the veteran teacher sitting relaxed reading her paper.  This new teacher could not figure out how or even why this teachers was always calm and never seemed to fret about the daily hustle and bustle of school.  Finally, after summoning the courage the novice teacher asked the veteran teacher, “How are you so calm and never seem to worry?”  The veteran teacher turned to the novice teacher and said, “today my projector wouldn't work, all my chalk broke into little pieces, and the wireless internet was so slow that I couldn't even complete the lesson I prepared.  I think my students learned more today though, than any other day.”  The novice teacher asked “how could it have been a good day if nothing went right in your class?” The veteran teacher responded by saying “I taught my students that things didn't always work like you want, but you handle the adversity with grace, style, and maybe even humor.  After all, we are what we teach.”  I find that to be a powerful statement “We are what we teach.”

Change is an opportunity to do something amazingWhen I started this blog at the beginning of the year I thought that it would be easy to come up with something to write about each week.  I’ve got news for you, it’s not easy.  I’ve learned a couple of valuable lessons through this process:

One, communication is hard!  Just when I think I've communicated something effectively, there is often a misunderstanding, or will call it an opportunity to revise my thoughts.

Two, leading is reading.  I attended a meeting last week and one of the speakers made this statement.  That has especially been true for me.  If I stop reading, I’ll stop learning, and if I stop learning my growth will diminish and I’ll be an ineffective educator.  Hopefully through my reading, I can become a more effective communicator.

Three, just because I write a blog doesn’t make me an expert, it just means I have administration rights to the school website.  Writing this has forced me to reflect, read more, expect more of myself, and in the process, provide some insight into our teachers and students success.  I hope however, that simply remembering that “I am what I teach” can keep me aligned with learning to be responsive to the needs of our students.

In school related news, the Alva High School One Act Team finished runner up in class 4A.  Thank you Mr. Bradt for your leadership and investment in these students.  Thank you to Mr. Eckhardt for assisting and Mrs. Bradt for the amazing musical arrangement in the play.  Finally, thank you students, your commitment and talent is truly amazing.  YOU are why we teach!


Tim Argo



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